Dream Aquarium 1.2416 + 21 Tanks
Dream Aquarium 1.2416 + 21 Tanks | 56.45 MB
This aquarium, with its high-grade internal life! Gorgeous 3D graphics, dynamic background, realistic movement, and amazing animation created with the latest technology. Excellent animation, worked out every detail of design - exotic fish, plants, light and shade, the bubbles. All inhabitants of the aquarium, you can choose at their discretion.
Features:-- Dream Aquarium looks quite realistic, much like a real aquarium.-- Dream Aquarium displays on the monitor (full screen) virtual aquarium, fish that live in each of their lives.-- It is possible to delete and add an unlimited number of fish (16 species), feed them, turn on and off lights, pumping the air, adjust the simulator sounds real aquarium, aquarium landscape change mining etc.-- Aquarium can be used as a screensaver on your desktop (in the list of screensavers in the Display -- Properties will be added automatically), or run to force a normal program.
Key features:-- The most realistic fish movement among analogues;-- There is a crab-violinist, who cleans the base of the aquarium and the fish.-- Do fish articulated fins, moving eyes, seizures, and mouth.-- Elaborated every detail of design - aquatic plants, light, shadows, bubbles, fish, etc.-- Feeding the pets by pressing keys.-- Ability to change the number of fish by hand from the comfort of the aquarium.-- Automatic change of the aquarium.
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